Love/Hate relationship
When I first got the game, it was really fun and I couldnt wait to get to the higher levels, especially for the weapons. Unfortunately l, the higher you go, the harder it gets, naturally. But I am currently at the final mission in land 5 and I really cant get far in the raids since my guns arent that high damage producers. My armor has been lacking a lot for a long time and Ive been able to go without it but its hurting me now. You have all these levels and just 2 armors? I have unlocked weapons but for some reason it tells me that I cant use them???!! Why?! You say you have released 40 new weapons. Where? I dont see them. At least tell us what we have to do for them. Show them as unavailable but explain how to get them. Be it with contracts, raids or missions. Give us something. I think the focus should be more on the raids and contracts than on the missions from campaign. You do them once and its over, so put more emphasis on the repeating missions in contracts and raids. I want to love this game. Not hate it. Please. Ill change my review once these issues get fixed. You have something good. Keep going with it. I like a game I can play without having to buy things. Make it fare to play without spending money. It might take longer to get the end result but I needs to be a reachable goal without buying add ons.
emilio.olmedo about
Max Ammo, v1.15